The Jo Maxwell TV show was lunched in September 2017 by its Host and Executive Producer Jo Maxwell. The aim of the show is to bring together and showcase some of the most inspiring and amazing black women living and working in the United Kingdom and diaspora. The show provides an avenue for black women to discuss their success stories as well as life’s challenges in order to inspire and empower others.

The show also aims to demystify certain controversial topics which women are usually very reluctant to talk about often because there are no appropriate channels to express these views, or for fear of stigmatisation which is often common within the black community.

Listening to a woman share her experience on raising a child with special needs, another woman discussing her domestic abuse experience or hearing another discuss how she has been able to achieve a successful work-life balance for instance may help another woman deal with her own personal issues and equip her to make decisions that will positively impact her circumstances.

Although the show is about inspiring black women who live and work in the UK, it also aims to impact women in other parts of the world.

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